Published : 2022-11-10 | Abstract viewsc: 68 | PDF views: 57
: Zeni Hafidhotun Nisak(1*), Vira Amalia Safitri(2),

(1) STAI Sunan Pandanaran Yogyakarta
(2) STAI Sunan Pandanaran Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


Extremism is not born in a vacuum. There are various factors that can influence the emergence of extreme attitudes, which based on the above data can be summarized as the following factors. First, the factor of education and the introduction of religious teachings or views that are influenced by elements of understanding that are closed, anti-dialogue and black-and-white (true-false). Lately, extreme threats and radical actions always appear that are carried out by certain groups, which can disturb society and threaten the pillars of citizenship that bind us together in a unitary state. The design of the educational curriculum used by tackling extremism, the solution that must be taken requires an approach that cannot be separated from the context of tolerance. The meeting point that can be the basis for recommendations in this regard is to consider aspects of the importance of citizenship (citizenship). An important principle of the approach to citizenship in relation to democracy, and puralism, is desecuritization, which rejects the logic of securitization. In addition, moderate Islamic education, multicultural education, and pesantren are strategies that need to be thought and carried out to overcome the work of the drivers of the emergence of extremism and design a curriculum of Islamic religious education that is compatible.

Keywords: Peace Education; Extremism; Primary Education, Pea


Peace Education, Extremism, Primary Education, Pea

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