Published : 2021-09-30 | Abstract viewsc: 256 | PDF views: 291
: Yuyun Nisfu Laila(1*),

(1) SD Negeri 1 Sidodadi
(*) Corresponding Author


This research is a Classroom Action Research which aims to determine the improvement of learning outcomes in the matter of believing in Allah Almighty and the Most Giver in SD Negeri 1 Sidodadi, Gedangan District, Malang Regency by learning to use the media zoom. This research is a descriptive quantitative research with data collection using observation and documentation methods. Based on the data obtained from the observation results, the average pretest score is 60 with a student learning completeness percentage of 33,33%, the average test score in the first cycle is 67,5 with a student learning completeness percentage of 58,33% and the average test score in the second cycle of 70,8 with a percentage of student learning completeness of 66,66%, it can be concluded that the use of zoom media in learning that has been carried out at SD Negeri 1 Sidodadi, Gedangan District is very effective in improving PAI learning outcomes in terms of believing in Allah Almighty and the Most Giver.


Pendidikan Agama Islam

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Abstract views : 256 | views : 291

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32478/piwulang.v4i1.771


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