Published : 2020-10-01 | Abstract viewsc: 1038 | PDF views: 7281
: Rosidi Rosidi(1*),

(1) Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Kalijaga
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract: Islam is a religion which has been perfecting celestial religions, and teaching about the importance of love and peace. KH. Hasyim Muzadi was among one of the national figures after the reformation and tragedy of the WTC 11 // 2011 in America who consistently campaigned for the teachings of Islam by carrying "Islam rahmatan lil Alamin" in the world. Thus, the negative stigma of the west - non-Muslims - towards radical Islam and terror can be addressed. He used three methods in conveying the idea of rahmatan lil 'alamin with a da'wa (missionary endeavor), law and political approach. While the teachings are translated with tawasuth, ‘itidal, tawazun, tasamuh and tasyawur as negation tathorruf (radical) and irhab (terror). All three, can bring Islam that carries out the grace of all nature. Both the method and translation of these teachings are used in the Islamic school curriculum or at least in learning activity there.

Keywords: Islamic moderation, Hasyim Muzadi and Islamic School.

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