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Vol 2, No 1 (2022): The Urgency of Women’s Role in Civilization Communication Strategy based of Social Media in Introduction to Jumantara Written Batik Kediri's Abstract   PDF
Choiru Umatin, Novi Rosita Rahmawati, Ratna Dzahabi
Vol 2, No 1 (2022): The Urgency of Women’s Role in Civilization Foreign Branding Strategy to Promote MSMEs Products: Women Entrepreneurs’ Perspective Abstract   PDF
Rizky Vita Losi, Ahmad Fadlan
Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Beyond the New Normal Challenges in The World of Education Towards Society 5.0 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PATTERN ON DAARUL QUR'AN ISLAMIC PRIMARY SCHOOL SEMARANG Abstract   PDF
Hidayatus Sholihah, A. Zaenurrosyid A. Zaenurrosyid, Abdullah Arief Cholil
Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Beyond the New Normal Challenges in The World of Education Towards Society 5.0 Improving Students’ English Skill by Using The Papets (Paper Puppets) Learning Media Abstract   PDF
Joko Prayudha S.
Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Beyond the New Normal Challenges in The World of Education Towards Society 5.0 The Challenges and Opportunities in Digital Transformation for Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic Abstract   PDF
Yuliana Yuliana
Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Beyond the New Normal Challenges in The World of Education Towards Society 5.0 The Role of Teacher Motivation in Islamic Religious Education Subjects Online Case Studies at Baburrohmah Islamic Middle School Mojosari Abstract   PDF
Ardiyansyah Ardiyansyah, Rahmat Rahmat
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